Thursday, October 22, 2015

Root Veggies

I harvested celeriac, turnips, rutabagas, carrots, and cabbage over the past few days! 23 lbs celeriac, 53 lbs carrots, 81 lbs rutabaga, 71 lbs turnip, and 112 lbs cabbage...Yikes!

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Pressing Cider

 It has been such a great year for wild apples that I decided to make some cider. I spent a few hours picking apples, and got 100lbs. I spent the majority of an afternoon pressing the apple with my dad. Operating the cider press is a two person job. From our 100 lbs of apples we got 5 gallons of cider. It was so much fun that we decided to make more cider with our neighbors the next weekend.

Cider from two different apple trees.

Apples ready to press.

Washing apples.

Pressing cider with some friends.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Four and a Half Pound Turnip

Five Types of Corn

Two ears of each of the five varieties of corn that I grew this year. From left to right: Minnesota 13 Dent, Painted Mountain, Dakota Ivory, Early Pink Popcorn, Calico Popcorn.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Winter Squash

There is a small chance of frost tonight, so I decided to harvest my winter squash! The salmon colored squash are a variety called 'Australian Butter' and they are supposedly a very good keeper, this is my first time growing them. The green and orange pumpkins are called 'Kakai' and they are grown for pumpkin seed. Their seeds don't have the tough hulls like normal pumpkins. The blue-green squash is called a Jardhale. Not pictured (because they are buried at the bottom of the heap) are 'Butternuts' and 'Delicatas'.