Thursday, October 17, 2013

The Trailer

This trailer was built in 1947 (or so i'm told) and has passed through several owners before it became mine. I took on the challenge of rebuilding it last summer and am now just about finished. I have replaced all of the wooden parts and some of the metal as well. I also went ahead a painted it bright green because, well...who doesn't want a green trailer? I originally took on this project with the hope of using the trailer to bring cows to shows before Bright and Bold were even born. But it will be perfect for Bright and Bold since it is a two horse trailer and there are two of them! 

Above: A recent photo of the trailer.
Below: A photo of the trailer taken last summer shortly after i started working on it.

1 comment:

  1. You should be very proud of such a major accomplishment.Keep it up . You seem to be on a roll.What is next?
    PS Love the color
